All About
Nancy Johansen & Mystical Whispers
I am a mystic. A life-long psychic intuitive, meaning that since childhood I have been able to see and connect with spirit - the other side, loved ones passed, angels & spirit guides. It is my passion. And I believe it is a large part of my soul purpose to do Spiritual Psychic Readings, Mediumship, Soul Coaching, Counseling and Teaching. Because I have always been aware of the Spirits around me, even as a child, I became fascinated with religion, anything supernatural, and all things spirit. When I was 8 years old, my babysitter, a friend of my Dad’s began teaching me astrology and numerology. I began to study Tarot at the age of 11. That was the beginning of a life time of seeking, searching and learning. I began doing readings for my friends when I was in junior high. I have always known that I was never alone and that when I needed advice, all I had to do was ask. After high school, not really sure of what I wanted to do, I became a hospice volunteer. I was not only comfortable with people who were in the dying process, I channeled what they needed to hear. And I learned that it was a great privilege to be with people when they were passing. Or, I as I see it, “going home.” I learned that no one ever passes alone, family, friends or angels are always by their side. I also learned that I wanted to be a nurse and a professional psychic. That was the career path I was meant to follow. By the time I graduated from college as an RN, I knew that I was meant to work in the emergency room and I had already created my own business on the side as a psychic medium. When I went too long without doing readings for others, I really didn’t feel well. For me using my gift keeps me happier, healthier and wholly connected. In other words, that is what makes my heart sing.
Over the last 50 years, I have been blessed to work as a Hospice Volunteer, ran the cancer support group Wings, as an RN in a busy ER, moonlighting with the visiting nurses, working with critical care children in their homes and always and everywhere delivering messages of hope and healing from Spirit. In June of 2023 I retired from nursing and the hospital setting and now dedicate myself to being a full-time spiritual psychic medium. I love my life. I love what I do. I love my family, my friends, and my dogs. But I cherish and appreciate my clients for sharing their journeys with me and allowing us to evolve and grow together. You cannot be a channel for Spirit without benefiting and learning from the sweet, healing, and peaceful energy along the way. This is my passion.
I have been married, divorced, and then married to my old high school sweetheart, the love of my life. I always knew that we would be together, but I didn’t know how soon it be. I have 4 children all grown now, with 3 grandchildren and one more on the way. I have experienced the passing of my grandmother, 3 aunts, 3 uncles, my mom, step-mother, dad and step-father. I’ve lost 2 sisters to alcohol. But the most difficult loss I’ve experienced was that of my middle daughter to suicide in 2020. I have certainly had my share of ups and downs and life experience but never, ever have I felt alone. I know that every life challenge brings us one step closer to becoming the best, most authentic version of ourselves. The compassionate, empathetic, and yes, intuitive self that we are all meant to be. The connection to Spirit has been an incredible lifeline of hope and healing for me and for my clients. It is a gift that I am absolutely honored to share with my clients and with family and friends when they are in the mood 😉.

All Your Questions
Connect with Your
Angels, Spirit Guides,
& Loved Ones in Heaven.
Clarity, Insight
Peace of Mind

What Makes Me
Qualified as
A Spiritual Psychic?
I am a lifelong learner. I have read almost anything and everything there is out there to learn about religion, spirituality, astrology, numerology, the destiny system and tarot. I have studied with amazing souls like John Edward, James Van Praagh, Louise Hay, Michael Newton, Sonia Choquette, Wayne Dyer and Doreen Virtue. I am a certified Usui Reiki Master, Shamballa Multi-Dimensional Healing Master, E.F.T. (or Tapping) practitioner, Certified Grief Counselor, and Certified Psychic Medium, and a recognized member of Bob Olsens's Best Psychic Directory. I am also a Certified Holistic Health, Wellness, Life & Soul Coach, Angel Therapy Practitioner®, and Registered Nurse, with 40 years experience in Emergency Nursing. I have also studied the Silva Method with Ken Coscia, which I have to say is the most incredible method for improving your meditation to a magical level. I cannot recommend that course enough. Many of my mentors were Silva Method graduates, but never shared that information!
I have family members who are Albanian Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Orthodox Jews, and Episcopalian. I am very well rounded. What I learned in church, synagogue and in life, is that Spirit is home anywhere and everywhere. I have finally settled on the Unitarian Universalist Church where anyone and everyone is welcome and recognized. Who you are, how you pray, and who you love doesn’t matter. In truth we are all just one in Spirit. I find that every single spiritual psychic reading I do reaffirms this for me every day.

I actually received a formula from my angels! I find it difficult to ask for money so of course I finally turned to my Angels in 1996 and asked how much I should charge. I was charging $20 at the time. They told me to raise my price to $60. But I wasn’t satisfied and I kept asking them, “Are you sure? Are you really sure? Is it too much?” They told me to stop asking and literally gave me a formula to follow so that I would never have to ask again. They instructed me to charge $66 in 1996, $77 in 1997, $88 in 1998 and $99 in 1999, skip the year 2000 and all years ending in zero. Then to begin again in 2001 at $111, 2002 at $122, 2003 at $133 and so on forever! So, here we are in 2024 and I am charging $244 for a 60-90 minute, first time session with my clients. I have never asked again. I trust my guidance and it has never lead me in the wrong direction.

The Question is
"Is Spirit Speaking?"
Spirit is
Real Question
"Are You Listening?"
How Do I
My Pricing?

Is It Wrong to
Charge Money
For Spiritual Work?
I struggled with this question for a long, long time. But I do trust in Spirit to guide me with all my decisions, especially the difficult ones. So many people have asked about this that I find it easier to provide to link to Bob Olson’s Best Psychic Directory because he provides a very detailed, impartial answer to this question. Click the link below . . .
Peace of Mind

Spirit is Always Speaking!
Are You Listening ?

© 2021 Nancy Johansen at Angeltouche- Franklin, MA - 508-577-4552